" bonbons pour halloween"
" bonbons pour halloween"
Venez récolter tous vos freebies coordonnées "bonbons pour Hallowwen" dans les différentes boutiques des designeuses SFF qui vous souhaitent un joyeux DSD. Profitez-en pour regarder leurs produits réalisés pour l'occasion et n'oubliez pas que la boutique est en soldes...de quoi bien s’amuser . Et encore une fois: vive le scrap !!!
Come and grab our coordinated freebies "Bonbons for Halloween" in the differerent designer's stores who wish you a happy DSD. Take time to see their products they made for the occasion, don't forget that the store is on sales. One more time, come and celebration digitalscrapbboking with us !!!

Come and grab our coordinated freebies "Bonbons for Halloween" in the differerent designer's stores who wish you a happy DSD. Take time to see their products they made for the occasion, don't forget that the store is on sales. One more time, come and celebration digitalscrapbboking with us !!!

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